An infrastructure-oriented thinktank urges President Rodrigo Duterte to remove the taxes on petroleum products as he faces the nation today at 3pm.
“Mr. President, the belly is more important than the building. The golden age of infrastructure can wait, but a hungry nation cannot.”
This was the statement of Terry Ridon, Infrawatch PH convenor and former urban poor chief of President Duterte.
“Sir, it’s about time that we rein in the economic managers who have been absolutely tonedeaf to the crippling situation on the ground.”
Ridon said that despite rising prices, Duterte’s economic managers continue to insist that taxes on petroleum products have very little effect on inflation.
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“There are immediate positive effects in removing taxes on petroleum: Government does not profit from the present economic misery of the public, and certainly, lower petroleum prices will result in lower food prices.”
Ridon said the phasing of the Build Build Build program can be reassessed if proceeding with the flagship program at the current rate will only increase the economic burden of the public.
“Build Build Build has been touted as among the main reasons why petroleum taxes cannot be removed. If slowing down the program is what it takes to slightly resolve the daily economic hardships of the public, then that should be call that the President should make in his address to the nation today.”