An infrastructure-oriented thinktank called on Cebu Pacific to provide alternative transport for passengers affected by its cancelled flights.
“The wave of flight cancellations is unprecedented, and Cebu Pacific should disclose to the public the real reasons for the cancellations. The public cannot accept very general explanations from the airline.”
This was the statement of Terry Ridon, Infrawatch PH convenor and former member of the House transportation committee.
Disclose real reasons for cancellations
Ridon said it will be very difficult for the public to accept very general explanations for the wave of flight cancellations, especially since no other airline made similar pronouncements.
“If Cebu Pacific is citing aircraft damage, it should disclose which particular aircrafts are involved and the measures undertaken to ensure that passengers will be taken to their destinations.”
Provide alternative transport options
Ridon said the airline’s commitment to a refund or another flight booking in the future should not be accepted as the main recourse for passengers.
“If the affected passengers need to be booked through another airline, or thru other forms of transport, Cebu Pacific should bear the costs for doing so.”
Premature to initiate penalty proceedings
Ridon however said that it might be too premature to call for penalty proceedings on Cebu Pacific, as stated by airline regulator Civil Aeronatics Board.
“However, such proceedings may be undertaken unless a comprehensive and acceptable report has been submitted by Cebu Pacific to government regulators, and all affected passengers have been provided alternative transport options by the airline.”