“Sorry to burst the bubble of the MMDA, but they cannot implement the HOV scheme tomorrow without violating due process requirements. A public hearing is required prior to the issuance of any administrative regulation. No public hearing has been conducted by the MMDA, yet the public will be accosted for a clearly unconstitutional regulation.” This was the statement of Terry Ridon, convenor of Infrawatch PH and former urban poor chief of President Rodrigo Duterte.
Ridon said that the MMDA should suspend its implementation of the high-occupancy vehicle scheme in EDSA unless and until it has already conducted public hearings on the matter.
“As the implementing agency, the MMDA has the obligation under the Administrative Code to conduct public hearings prior to the issuance of any administrative regulation.”
Resolve other issues first
Ridon said it would be better for the MMDA to focus instead on strictly implementing its provincial buses ban and respond to concerns that it has not done enough to control flooding in Metro Manila.
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“We believe these issues are the more urgent concerns that the MMDA should address instead of subjecting hundreds of thousands of public and private motorists to unreasonable regulations such as the HOV lanes scheme.”
Seek Malacanang’s guidance
“With the magnitude of families that can be severely affected by MMDA’s measure, it would be better to get presidential guidance first before forcing the proposal upon the public.”